1000+ Local Business at your Fingertips.

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LocalXR is a free service that helps customers connect with local businesses nearby via phone. Finding a local business or hiring a professional nearby shouldn’t be a rocket science. With that philosophy, we work towards connecting you with local business service providers with the widest choice of options.

From hiring a refrigerator technician to finding insurance agencies, LocalXR instantly matches thousands of customers every week with top-rated professionals nationwide.

We take great pride in our extreme professionalism and timeliness for every customer service. We make sure to develop a long lasting relationship so that, when the next time service is needed, there will be no question on who to call. Satisfaction is guaranteed!

Whatever service/product you need, just give us a call at our toll-free number. Talk to our executives, sit back and relax! We will connect you with the best local provider near you instantly. We have got the best selection of trusted local businesses right for you at your fingertip.