

10 Reasons To Get a VA Home Loan

Veteran Affairs mortgages, or VA Loans, offered by private lenders are guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and are availed by veterans, active military members and the spouses of military members who died while on duty. Features such as loan with zero down payments, absence of Private Mortgage Insurance, competitive interest rates and exemption from payment of funding fees

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4 Things to know before getting a mortgage

We all dream of owning a home, but then not all of us sit on a pile of cash. There are scores of home finance companies ready to lend money on the mortgage. All you need to do is a cough up some margin money so that the rest is funded by the lender. If you ask whether a mortgage

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4 Reasons to Get Reverse Mortgage

Everyone dreams of owning a home, and having acquired one, likes to retain ownership well past his retirement when his income will stop unless he is a pensioner. Here, a reverse mortgage comes in handy, helping a retire who is past 62 years of age get a steady stream of income, even as it allows him to remain the owner

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