Appliance Repair


5 Reasons You Should Get Your Dryer Checked Today

If you own a dryer, you know how it simplifies daily chores. However, we often lose our way when something isn’t quite right with our appliances. That’s why we’ve put up this list of 5 reasons you should get your dryer checked out today! It’s been a while If you hadn’t had your dryer checked or cleaned in a while,

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6 Tips To Save Energy On Your Refrigerator

  When it comes to electric appliances, it’s important to know how you can save energy. Here are 6 tips that are sure to save energy in your refrigerator. Keep the door closed The most important factor that saves energy on your refrigerator is the door. Make sure your refrigerator’s doors close tight shut and no cool air escapes from

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7 Tips To Get The Best Out Of Your Washer

A washer is a lifetime investment. And that’s why it’s necessary to make sure you get the most out of your washer. Here are seven tips to help you safeguard your washer and get the optimum out of it. Use washer-specific detergent It’s important that you use the proper detergent in your washer. Most detergents that work fine for hand

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4 Expert Tips On Washer Maintenance

Washer maintenance is not a rocket science. You’ll find plenty of resources online telling you how to care for your washer. Here are four tips from experts on proper washer maintenance. Kill bacteria with bleach and vinegar When cleaning your washer, first fill your appliance with hot water and then add some chlorine bleach. Let it sit for an hour

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Pro Cleaning Hacks For Your Oven

When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, the oven is one of the most difficult appliances. Here are three pro hacks to help you get through your next oven-cleaning session. “Remember, some ovens have an inbuilt self-cleaning feature. If your oven has the feature, turn on self-cleaning for a better and easier cleaning process.” It uses about 8kW of energy.

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