10 Delicious Dishes You Didn’t Know You Could Make In a Microwave

If you ask me why I got myself a microwave, I’d say because of its versatility. You can cook just about any meal in a microwave, it’s hassle-free, it’s quick, and it’s perfect for those days when you just don’t feel like running around the kitchen cooking a fancy meal.

It’s amazing how the microwave transforms simple ingredients into a rich — and even — a grand meal that takes minutes to put together.


Here are three great breakfast recipes that take so little of your time, and yet are so fulfilling.

Cinnamon Maple Breakfast Quinoa

“There’s quinoa for health, maple syrup for the sweet tooth, and cinnamon — well, just because it makes us feel good. What’s not to like?”

French toast

“Nothing better to start the day than with a soulful serving of French toast. Now, you can make it in a microwave.”

Poached egg

“Get your protein earlier in the day. Try these poached eggs for breakfast and it’ll become your go-to breakfast. And the best part? It’s healthy!”


Sometimes you just don’t have the time to whip up a fancy lunch. Sometimes, all you can manage is a burger. Well, now you have more, tastier, and healthier options.

Steamed Vegetables

“Get your daily dose of greens without much effort. Steamed your vegetables for a quick and healthy lunch.”

Meatloaf in a Mug

“It’s like heaven in a mug — if you like meatloaf. If you don’t like meatloaf, it’s still a protein-packed lunch to keep you on your toes for the rest of the day.”

Simple Eggplant

“It doesn’t get any easier than microwaved eggplants. A healthy vegetable, packed with all natural goodness, this simple eggplant recipe is a lunch both your taste buds and body will love.”


After a whole day of running around and working hard, everyone deserves a warm dinner. Here are three simple dinner recipes you can make in your microwave.

Mac and Cheese

“Say goodbye to boxed mac & cheese and flavorless cheese powder. Here’s how you can enjoy the taste of real heaven, made in a microwave.”

Chicken Fajitas

“Feeling like having a fancy dinner without having to stress the cooking? Here’s the perfect dinner you can make today.”

Flaky Microwaved Salmon

“Enjoy a quiet candle-lit dinner with this fancy recipe. It’s simple, yet classy.”


Microwave Cheesecake

“As with any meal, we’re always looking forward to the desert. And the desert has to be good. Here’s a simple cheesecake recipe you can make in your microwave and stun your guests.”

There you have it — 10 awesome microwave recipes to help you get through the day without much effort.

Try these recipes and let us know how they came out. Or if you have any simple microwave recipes,

Share with us in the comments.

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